How to Score Your TrophyNote: In order to be considered for a turkey citation you must present your turkey feet (with spurs), beard, and have your turkey weighed on a certified scale. The turkey weight certification form can be downloaded below. NO FROZEN ENTRIES will be accepted. – Certification Form
Note #1
Bearded birds only.
Note #2
Trophy must have been legally harvested in hunting season.
Note #3
Virginia department of game and inland fisheries game tag must be presented with trophy along with weight certification.
Note #4
Trophies must be entered in the regional contest for which they are eligible.
Note #5
Weight must be verified at a game checking station and certified to be the true weight. The applicant must complete and submit the official Turkey Weight Certification Form with their turkey entry.
Note #6 – Weight
1 pound equals 1 point. 1 ounce equals 1/16 point
Note #7 – Beard
The beard must be measured from the point of protrusion of the first visible bristle from the skin to the opposite end of the longest bristle. In the event multiple beards exist, the measurement of the longest beard will be used for scoring (measure the longest beard). The length of the longest beard will be multiplied by 2 for the total score of the beard.

Note #8 – Spurs
Each spur must be measured to determine its longest straight or curved length from a point where the hard spur protrudes from the scaled leg skin to the tip of the spur. In the event multiple spurs exist, the measurement of the longest spur only on each leg will be used for scoring. The total length of the spur on the right leg will be multiplied by 10 to give you the score for the right spur. The same thing will be done with the left spur.

Total Score
Add the weight score plus the beard score plus the spur score to determine the total score.
Score Your Turkey
If you would like to score your own trophy, follow the notes found on this page and the score sheet provided below. This will give you an approximate overall score. If you want to have your trophy officially scored by the VPSA, you must attend and participate in the Annual Virginia Big Game Contest.
Scoring Other Trophies
How to Score your Deer
Official deer scoring rules used at the VPSA Big Game Contest
How To Score Your Bear
Official bear scoring rules used at the VPSA Big Game Contest