How to Score Your TrophyNote #1
Note #2
Note #3
Note #4 – Length Of Skull
The skull should be in tack with its lower jaw engaged into its pivoting sockets.
Using a flat surface, put the total skull with jaw bone frame as foundation on the flat surface (i.e. -table), and prepare measurements statistics for length.
Using 2 machinist square heads and scales (12 in.) preferred, engage scales in square heads and stand the scale heads on the flat surface and bring each scale (one at the back of the skull, neck bone joint) and one at the nose end of the skull, (between the K-9 teeth) and measure the distance between the two vertical scales. This measurement is the length of the skull.

Note #5 – Width Of Skull

Note #6 – Height Of Skull

Note #7 – Tip to Top (K-9) Teeth
Using machinist dividers locate each (K-9) tooth center at the end of the tooth and open dividers to encompass the spread of center of one tooth to center of adjacent tooth or simply use tape to measure between center point of K-9 teeth as shown below.

Score Your Bear
If you would like to score your own trophy, follow the notes found on this page and the score sheet provided below. This will give you an approximate overall score. If you want to have your trophy officially scored by the VPSA, you must attend and participate in the Annual Virginia Big Game Contest.
Scoring Other Trophies
How to Score your Turkey
Official turkey scoring rules used at the VPSA Big Game Contest
How To Score Your Deer
Official dear scoring rules used at the VPSA Big Game Contest